Wednesday, August 15, 2007

#4 - Register your blog

#4 of 23 things

Registering your blog ... it sounds so easy. And it is. The instructions were clear and the actual operation simple. Everything would have gone without a hitch were it not for the annoying (and increasingly prevalent) "low virtual memory" warnings my computer seems determined to flash at me at least once a day. Usually, such messages are little more than a momentary inconvenience. This time, however, my computer slowed to a crawl and for a moment or two I thought it might have completely locked up. Fortunately, it eventually remembered what it was supposed to be doing and things returned to what passes for normal. The registration site even said my information had gone through. I hope it was telling the truth. It would be ironic to get hung up on a tech issue (especially one over which I have no control) during a tech training course.

The rest of the Learning 2.0 program looks like it will be interesting. I've already heard of many of the upcoming topics, but there are few with which I have more than passing familiarity. I'm probably most interested in online video, as I do some video editing/converting/etc. on my own time. I've also spent some time surfing YouTube and similar sites in the past, and the idea of doing it as training (and getting paid to boot) has a peculiar charm.

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